Important Roles of the Station

1) To be a tropical climate experimental research station focusing on ecology and environment

To date, more than 200 research projects have been completed at SERS. The station is configured to store and
disseminate scholarly information and to assist with the socio-economic Development of local people.

2) To be a natural laboratory

SERS is a place where students can come and learn about the environment. It is also a resource for nine surrounding villages. These human communities are good subjects for socioeconomic studies.

3) To be a UNESCO biosphere reserve

SERS is a participant in the United Nations Man and the Biosphere Programm. It is part of an international network of sites significant for natural conservation, economic development, and scientific research.

4) To be a natural site with aesthetic value

SERS is a place where visitors can familiarize themselves with dry Dipterocarp and Dry Evergreen Forests and the flora and fauna they contain.

5) To be a seminar and conference center

SERS maintains good meeting and lodging facilities.

::::::Sakaerat Environmental Research Station:::::